Believe in yourself
Its indeed a great relief for Special Needs family that there are lot of different therapies and awareness after the arrival of internet social media and technologies to help their children to achieve their maximum potential in this era. I always wonder how difficult it must be for special needs parents in the era when there was no internet,social media or awareness.But frankly I feel both has its own advantages and disadvantages. Parents did learn from trial and error experiments with the children to help them.As they say if you have seen one child in the spectrum you just have seen one as each child is unique with their needs and way they learn.As there were no much awareness in the past,there was more chances that parents try to experiment with Niche strategies to help them out.Many a time you get much of the solution when you think out of the box.I feel much could be achieved just with a determined mother/father who just would not give up. Coming to this era where you hav...
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